Black Friday / Cyber Monday
Special Edition

Q3 2020 REPORT
Our new edition of the Quarterly reflects on Q3's biggest developments, while also looking ahead to the 2020 holiday season. This Black Friday/Cyber Monday Special is packed with tips to help you stay in the loop and master your BF/CM sales strategy with email marketing.
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What's Inside?
A Look Back at Q3 Highlights
Email Campaigns
Email Automation
SMS Marketing
Email Deliverability
Email Design Trends
Read the best pieces from Essence of Email Weekly Q3 editions and discover the events that shaped the past quarter.
Find out how to make your campaigns skyrocket during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday season.
Explore new developments in the email automation field and learn how to use them for better results from your holiday marketing.
Dive into the benefits of SMS marketing and get tips on how to incorporate it into your own strategy.
Make sure your subscribers see your messages with a few effective tricks.
Maximize your email design with the latest trends, tool recommendations, and BF/CM insights from our designers.
Bonus: Holiday Tips & Insights for eCommerce Brands
Our partners from Privy, Justuno, Octane AI, Postscript, PushOwl, TowerData, and Omnisend share their top tips for eCommerce brands for successful holiday campaigns during the pandemic.
By downloading this report you're agreeing to receive our Weekly newsletter every Friday. We promise not to use your email for spam.
What's So Great About the Report?
The sharp increase in email sending frequency that happened during the depths of the coronavirus scare showed across the industry that consumers tolerate more emails than previously thought.
Managing Director @ Essence of Email
This is a Black Friday/Cyber Monday Special edition! You will get professional insights and tips from our experts and partners on how to use the innovations from Q3 to your benefit and have a successful holiday season.
Get the Q3 Insights and Tips for the Holiday Season in Your Inbox

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