Email Approval Process When Hiring an Email Agency

In the world of email marketing, it often seems that quality and quantity are in a bitter struggle. For us at Essence of Email, a balanced approach is everything. That’s why we’ve established an efficient system of email approval, intended to shorten average email creation time while making sure the quality remains in accordance with our high output quality standards. In this article, we give you a unique sneak peek behind the scenes, to the email delivery room, where little baby emails are grown into strong, revenue-building everyday heroes. And all that with a bit of help from you, the Client!
We’ll first take a look at what happens immediately after we bring you on board as a new client.
You’ve met your Account Manager, the person who’s going to be the face of the agency during your engagement. They are here to listen to your complaints, showcase our work, and make tiny edits whenever and wherever it’s necessary. You’ve also met our charming Director of Client Services, who’ll be monitoring the entire process, ready for any problems that might escalate. The people you didn’t meet, however, are the ones who’ll take the main load of the work – the Account Associate (AA) in charge of tech stuff, the Creative team (Designer and Copywriter), and the Quality Assurance (QA) Lead. They are the ones that create, check, edit, and generally give birth to the emails you’ll eventually see.
“As our client, you’ll receive a team of Email Expers, Designer, Copywriter and a QA Lead, all working together to deliver every email we agreed on.”
The process starts with creating a Content Brief, based on your Brand Guidelines, and the resources you provide during the onboarding process. This Content Brief will serve as a general creative guideline to the team in terms of how you want your emails to look like, and for which purposes you need them (nurture, sale, special event…).
Now the main part of the process starts. Your email is about to be created!
Once they receive the Content Brief, the Account Associate (AA) begins with the email creation process. They use the tools provided by your chosen email service provider, along with a little bit of their own coding magic, and presto! – an email is born. Now it needs a personality, an identity, which is what the Creative team provides. It’s possible, though it rarely happens, that all the resources are already available, and the AA just needs to align them all together in the email template they just created, but in most cases, the Creative team dives right in, editing the pictures and photos, finding just the right places for your branding items, and writing that beautiful copy that captivated the attention of customers of over 200 happy clients who worked with us so far.
“Our Clients sometimes do the creative themselves – we at Essence of Email always say that the client is the ultimate expert on their own product. To find out how this can affect our engagement and make the creation process simpler, book a call with us!”
Time for the unsung heroes of email marketing to step into the fray – Quality Assurance!
Any of the many different types of mistakes (logical, grammar, alignment…) that might make their way by the AA and the Creative team, will surely get caught by the Quality Assurance (QA) Lead, who’s ready to root them out and make them disappear forever. This so-called “QA Checkpoint” will stay unresolved as long as any mistakes keep appearing, after which the email moves back up to the Account Manager, who makes sure the final draft is ready.
This is where you come in!
We’re halfway through the email approval process, and this is where you take a first look at your new baby email. If you like it, moving over to finishing touches is as easy as a short “I approve” comment on the email draft. If not, you can return it back to your Account Manager with your suggestions, and the process repeats until you’re happy with the draft.
“We normally include up to 2 rounds of revisions for each email. We usually don’t go higher than one round and we’re proud of that!”
Your email is all grown up now. It’s time to show it to the world!
But, not before it goes through another QA Checkpoint. Once your Account Manager notifies the AA that you approved the draft, the AA creates the necessary setup and gives the email to the QA Lead for final inspection. This is what ensures that there are absolutely no mistakes or problems with your email. Once the QA process is done and the Account Manager approved it, the AA activates the setup, and your email can start its adult life.
“Is that it? Don’t I get a report or something?”
As a matter of fact, you do! Once the email goes live and starts generating metrics, you’ll receive a weekly Metrics Report from your Account Manager, showing exactly how well the email is performing and what is the next thing we can do to improve the performance further.
Your Account Manager will also provide a detailed summary of the activities and hours necessary for your email to come to life.
“So how long does the whole email creation process take?”
Usually, it takes between 8 and 9 working hours to finish an email. This is the aggregate number of hours invested by each individual member of the team, from when the Content Brief is created, until the setup goes live. We’ve even tried to account for certain smaller delays that inevitably happen in any engagement. Ultimately, our only goal is to get the email to work for you as soon as possible.
And, that’s it! By showcasing our full email approval process, we intended to give you an insight into how you are a key part of the equation that results in the emails getting created faster, but nevertheless with a high level of quality.
Finally Fix Your Flows
With our Flow Launch service we fix your flows. We'll create and update the top 10 highest performing flow sequences, roughly 25 emails in 30 days. Guaranteeing that you make your money back and ensuring you finally have your flows fixed.

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  • Heath Weaver

    Managing Director, Principal

    Heath Weaver has almost two decades of eCommerce digital marketing experience. He has run multiple agencies, headed up Search Engine Marketing for the consumer electronics division of Sony, and served as a Vice President at Trilogy Software. He enjoys working day-to-day with clients to level up their retention marketing game.

  • Xiaohui "X" Wang

    Founder, Principal

    Xiaohui "X" Wang is a veteran of the email marketing industry. In the last decade, he has led the strategic and tactic retention marketing efforts for over 300 ecommerce brands ranging from small mom & pops to IR500 retailers. He's passionate about all things eCommerce, email, and SMS.