Zoom in: Things are looking up! In the past, it seemed that email marketers were a siloed part of a marketing organization. However, there is now an opportunity for paid, owned, and earned channels to be tied together more closely. Marketers are finally focusing on omnichannel not only as a goal per se but also as a way to better connect and serve their audiences and customers.
This focus on tighter alignment also brought “an overall growing mindshare dedicated to email marketing.” Leaders are getting more invested and starting to realize the power that email marketing holds.
But they are also focusing on and changing the way they measure email performance. In 2020, 51% of leaders said they changed the way they measured email marketing, with 47% of them using additional key performance indicators (KPIs). In 2021, 70% of leaders changed the way they measured email marketing, with 61% adding KPIs. Additionally, in 2021, 34% of leaders reported they were looking at the same KPIs but have increased goals/benchmarks to reflect their industry’s heavier reliance on digital and email marketing.
There is a growing expectation for email marketing to drive revenue and boost brand image, and we’re all for it! With the right approach, it can do wonders for your brand. If you’d like to get to know the details, and if you need a strategy, we’re just a call away.
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