Are you stuck thinking about the past? Thinking about when your email marketing campaigns performed better? Don’t worry, you are not the only one who is experiencing these thoughts. A dip in the engagement rate is a common occurrence and you can quickly return to the fast lane.
We are going to give you the tricks of the trade which will help you squeeze more engagement out of your list. First, let’s understand why users are not opening your emails.
There are
three primary reasons why subscribers are no longer engaged:
1. They have abandoned their email account
2. They are no longer interested in your subject matter
3. They are having an email overload
This means you are going to need to overhaul your list and make an attempt to get users who are genuinely interested engaged. Remember, you want your list to be filled with quality subscribers, and not just pay attention to quantity.
1. Clean Your DatabaseTo get the engagement you have to make sure you have active working email accounts. Overtime data goes stale, users abandon accounts and change email addresses. Emailing to these types of accounts is going to generate hard bounces. You might also run into other types of hazardous emails which could cause deliverability and
blacklisting issues.
An excellent tool to clean your data would be
Xverify. You can simply upload your entire list, and it will go through each email address to identify if it’s a real registered account. A good rule of thumb is to clean your database quarterly, but it is strongly recommended to validate data in real-time as it comes into your funnel.